All posts by cbfadmin

The site admin is a volunteer, and a novice to web site construction and maintenance, so your patience is greatly appreciated! Ideas for improvement are welcomed when offered kindly. All will be considered, and I will attempt to implement great ideas as time allows.


THANK YOU to every family who participated in Operation Arctic, and everyone who helped make it happen!

Thank YOU, GOD, for a wonderful week of looking into your amazing Love Letter, The Bible! Help us to continue to


We’ll leave the links on the VBS page under the EVENTS tab so you can keep using the Bible Song, Granny’s Bible Dojo, and VBS Music!


We’re entering one of our  busiest annual seasons of ministry!

  • Visit “Events” and “Calendar” to stay connected with and involved in ministry to our community!
  • Visit “Bulletins” to prepare your heart for corporate worship!

PRAY for all of the above, for one another, and for CHRIST to be GLORIFIED through His Church universal AND His folks at Cornerstone Baptist Fellowship!

“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” ~ Hebrews 3:13 (Click to see entire passage)

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”  ~ Hebrews 10:25 (Click to see entire passage)

Thankful for Worthy of Praise & WordPress

I’m amazed and very thankful that God inspired so many brilliant people to develop and provide modern communication tools FOR FREE for God’s people to use to spread His Word and connect His Kingdom!  We would be remiss if we did not take a moment to THANK “WORTHYOFPRAISE.ORG” and WordPress for the huge gift of allowing us to develop a practical and beautiful website using their hosting service and development tools FOR FREE!

I invite Cornerstone friends to visit They have a “business side” but have committed to provide this level of service FREE to churches. I can assure you it isn’t “free” to THEM in terms of manpower and support – which is ALSO free to us. If you have a few dollars to spare, would you THANK THEM by gifting them with an offering to help them continue to provide this service – which is NOT a luxury, but almost a necessity in today’s world!

I don’t know how you choose a church when you’re out of town, but I’m ALL about finding a church of “like faith”; websites like this one are the ONLY way I know of to do that today!

If you can’t contribute – at least take a moment to say a prayer of thanks and ask God’s continued blessings on worthyofpraise and their ministry to God’s folks!  Leave them a comment to let them know, too!



North American Missions NOTECARDS

At our North American Mission Study, “Miss” Janet challenged us to write a note of encouragement to a home missionary! I just bumped into mine again — unfinished — and took about THREE MINUTES to encourage the Dahls in Washington state!  Let’s see how far we can reach!  In the COMMENTS below, add the name and state you sent a note to – and let’s say a prayer as we read them, too! 

(By the way, I’m still learning this part of the website program – bear with me if it doesn’t work right!)